A subsidy for travel may be available for teens and young adults through the age of 21 participating in a nationally recognized summer program in Israel.

Eligible recipients are those who have completed their sophomore year of high school by June 2025 through undergraduate college students up to age 21.  

Subsidies for participants will be based upon the following criteria:

  • Eligible individuals who have not received a prior Federation grant to Israel will receive top priority, as will those who have never visited Israel.
  • Applications must adhere to the requirements established by the national sponsoring organizations.
  • Those receiving subsidies may be asked to participate in a pre-trip orientation study program in the spring conducted by the Jewish Community Federation and post trip community service volunteer activity, including speaking engagements, approved by JCFR.

All subsidy payments will be made directly to the sponsoring organization, as noted in the above.

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I attest the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and that I have read the above requirements and information.

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